Have a friend call your cell and say that your house has been broken into. Then excuse yourself saying that you have to meet the police at your place!
I feel the flu coming on.. along with a friend who had a family member pass away.. My boss called and I have to go in the office.. I did not read the other responses. Ihope I am not opening a wound.
Look, this is the biggest game that the Tigers have played in the last half century. I think that you can explain to your hosts that you have something more important to tend to and he will understand. All you have to do is follow the sage advice of SabanFan and all will be right in the world.
I had a close friend who had the audacity to be wed in Donaldsonville during the Peach Bowl a few years back. All the groomsmen drank and watched the first half where we were getting blown out. Finally the mother of the bride yanked us out and we headed to the Cathedral. We listed to pocket radios in the sacracy right up until it was time for us to take the stage. Of course it was a full on Hour long Catholic ceremnoy, but we were fortunate to have one of the Groomsmen's fathers in the back of the church realying the LSU comeback via finger scores. (Father Callais seemed to like that too.) We were also able to get some more details during communioun when we finally all got to sit down. Virtually every male in the church whispered scores and stats to us as they walked by. Moral of the story: Don't ever get your ass married during an important Tiger Game. But if you do...Do it in D-Ville. - Good luck on a solution tomorrow.
Hey everyone! this post was great to read all the creative responses. I personally liked the "if there are any foods that you are allergic to, eat a lot of it tomorrow" lolol
I like what TigerEducated suggested, but make damn sure not to yell out when something happens. "Best of Times"
StaceyO, you are most definately not the only woman to ever invent an illness but you are the first woman I have ever heard of to invent an illness so she could watch a football game instead of inventing an illness to avoid a football game. I usually hate watching a game I care a lot about with women like this Saturday's SECCG but you are welcome to come watch it with me on my big screen HDTV TV. Maybe we can get your husband and my girlfriend to cook and serve the food and drinks.
Our church has a Christmas diiner/ gift exchange tommorow night and my wife already told them we'd be there. I told her NO you said YOU'd be there LOL. The thing about it is SHE doesn't want to go either SHE wants to watch the game ( yes she likes football ) BUT she already told these people she would be there. I flat out told her and anyone at the church No I'm watching the game and I added that this game is so important God might be watching too. And he might you never know! JS
What were they thinking when they scheduled it for the night of the SECCG? This sounds like the work of the Devil.