ain't that a kick in the pants. i woulda never thought it. sounds like he had no choice though so I ain't given phatphil any credit. Seems Schaefer wanted to force his hand.
Don't give Fulmer too much credit yet........ The Nashville paper is reporting that he was kicked off, but the Knoxville paper is reporting that he decided to transfer.,1406,KNS_297_3721396,00.html
The only tough decision Phil has to make is whether he wants to have extra ham on his Subway sandwich or if he wants to eat a live turkey.
Did it look like Schaefer was going to win the starting QB position before all of this? I haven't kept up with it, but I thought Ainge looked to win the starting spot after showing the most potential during last season. If Ainge remains healthy, this shouldn't be too great of a loss. It was nice for Tennessee to have a different type of QB though and I think Schaefer would be a better replacement that Clausen. Clausen is only good enough to hold the team together, winning maybe 6 or 7 games but I don't think he's the type of leader that can bring them to the SECCG.
Fulmer didn't do anything hardcore whatsoever... He was going to transfer anyway UT has several people that could play ahead of him...great depth at QB is my point Fulmer never does this
I don't know guys, I think Phil probably did draw the line in the sand this time no matter how it comes out. He may have told him he would be suspended for at least a year and than be on probation or something as well. Regardless, I'm glad to see they finally parted ways with one of these guys.