Heard on cold pizza this morning that a frustrated tennessee fan is selling his loyalty on ebay!:rofl: Whoever wins he will have a web page with the winners team and he will do complete coverage of that school for one year! It must be getting desperate in Tennessee for a fan to take these measures I think it is hilarious!:hihi: :hihi: :hihi:One bad season and some of the fans are throwing in the towel. They probably would have committed suicide if were Saints fans or LSU fans through the dark years!
Hey, maybe Ramah and some other people on this board will follow Bubba's lead and sell their user name to believing Tiger fans.:hihi: Nah, on second thought that would make the board kind of dull.
Would be great if a Bama fan won it...LOL Cant you see a guy from UT doing coverage on Bama sports all year?!
couldnt find it. has it already happened? im really curious as to how much he could make from this, esp. with the publicity from espn. i think it is a brilliant money making scheme, wish i would have thought of it, claiming myself as a tenn. fan and selling my loyalty.
found it. thanx. here is a link for others interested http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...1%26fsoo%3
No, it's still there, the post above just has the wrong link. Here's the auction... http://cgi.ebay.com/Buy-My-Football...ryZ24543QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
"I'll watch televised games, and go to my former favorite team home game in my new teams hat I always go to at least 1 a year. Picture will be provided." What an amazing fan... he always goes to atleast 1 game a year. :dis: