I will be the biggest Temporary Notre Dame fan in the world this coming Saturday. And then immediately following the end of the game, regardless of the outcome, I will immediately resume my immense distaste for Notre Dame. Brave New World scenario - ND in one of the biggest upsets ever (in terms of mediocre team knocks off #1) 2nd best Brave New World scenario - ND plays a close game and loses (hopefully taking some 1st place votes away from USC and redistributing them to AU) Most likely scenario - ND stinks up the joint and I hate both teams again. A very temporary GO IRISH!!! :angryfire (Man that hurts!) Edit: What a horrible way to spend my 1,000th post. :dis:
Well if close wins against Stanford and Oregon State did not cost them at all, I doubt a close win here will cost them. After all, they have the heart of a champion to have all these comeback wins :sob:
Yes, I will be cheering loudly for the Irish this weekend. USC has quickly become my most hated football program.
Normally my two favorite teams are LSU and whoever is playing Notre Dame. Not this week, folks. G .... G.... (holding my nose) Go Irish! (Ecch!)
Notre Dame could gain twice as much yardage, lose the game on a last second fluke which includes a horrific call by a ref (wow, does that ever happen?) and still would likely not lose a single first place vote. In fact they may get a couple for their extreme bravery shown in winning the game.l
Well, it's not much, but here are a few Notre Dame-related rays of hope: Irish are 3-1 on the road this season, including wins at Michigan St. and Tenn. Take out the Purdue debacle (which was an abberation when compared to the other games, kinda like LSU and Georgia) and ND has lost it's other 3 games by 3 pts or less. Also found this on a ND fan site, supposedly posted by a USC fan. Hope it all happens just the way this guy writes it here: