Tebow "dialing"

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by SJS101, Oct 7, 2007.

  1. PhilosophyAskew

    PhilosophyAskew Founding Member

    Dec 5, 2006
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    We sounded pretty terrible on ESPN Gameday Final too. At least act like we've been there before, jeez....

    I cursed plenty tonight, it was just in the privacy of my own home.
  2. offshoretrash

    offshoretrash Founding Member

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Me too! :D
  3. QBLuke

    QBLuke Hickey Da God

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Dude, shut up. Seriously. You expect to pull the tickets of the entire student section because about 50-60 kids?

    You are making a fool out of yourself. The students should have their seats taken away? that is not only implausible (reason it's called college football is cause it is at a college, aka where students attend) but unfair to the thousands of students who respectfully and passionately support the team til the bitter end. Without the student section Tiger Stadium is a shell of itself, and I'm tired of the uppity "alums" (though many fans never finished, or even started a degree at LSU) who get on their high horse and complain about what is said during a football game. It is a god damn football game not a gospel concert, and while it is certainly not the classiest thing to yell it is not a blight on the entire university, and it is the furthest thing from everyone's mind after what was a great win.

    Stop focusing on the negatives and enjoy the games. Without the students there is no LSU, which means no Tigers. So save the preaching for church.

    edit-what the hell do you mean by "normal people"?
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  4. tigermouse

    tigermouse Freshman

    Oct 7, 2007
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    I think the fans had really quieted down after Tebow's touchdown and he taunted them by saying paper tigers. He's a good player, but I think he needs a little humility, although he got a big dose of it tonight.
  5. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    Fine. The "few" students keep pulling crap like that and the administration is going to come down very hard on the student section. I expect that very soon there will be an increased presence of the ABC police and and huge increase in the number of underage drinking and public intoxication arrests on students.

    i am all for the students having a great time and even taunting the opposing team ( i did when i was in the student section) but they are pushing the limits.
  6. LStUdent

    LStUdent Founding Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Where did Miles go after the final whistle? He came to the student section to salute the students. The student section was the best its ever been tonight and Miles knew. I'll take that anyday over your huffing and puffing about a guy getting what he's asking for.
  7. soupertiger

    soupertiger Founding Member

    Aug 31, 2006
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    My guess would be that you sit in the student section. If the students cannot police themselves then something needs to be done. My suggestion was obviously on the extreme end and was pure sarcasm but something does need to be done. This may be a football game but don't think for a minute that "F*** Tebow" is ok. Also don't come here with an idiotic statement that it was only 50-60 students. I was at the game and heard it clear and I also had several people call me and tell me they heard it on TV. You are delusional if you think that kind of noise could be generated by 50-60 students. My point is this. If the students want to act like 2nd graders then they should be treated as such. Maybe instead of complaining to me that I am being too harsh you should be getting onto some of your fellow student to stop screaming curse words on national tv. Also if you think that these days college football is for students then you are not thinking clearly. The days of that are long gone as it's gone corporate. I don't agree with it but that's the way it is. All I'm saying is have some pride in the school and "act" grown up even if it is only acting. By normal people I mean adults who can actually control themselves and enjoy a game without yelling "F*** Tebow".
  8. Krypto

    Krypto Huh?

    Dec 1, 2006
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    Don't misunderstand me, I enjoy the student section. There is a great atmosphere in there and it is amazingly intimidating for opposing teams to drive towards that goal. i am just saying that there are other ways to taunt and intimidate than yelling FU Tebow and stuff like that.
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  9. fanatic

    fanatic Habitual Line Stepper

    Oct 26, 2003
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    I have to side with the students on this one. They took alot of heat after the USCe game, but UF was asking for it with their antics tonight. I'm 100% behind the students and firmly believe they helped will us to a win tonight.
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  10. QBLuke

    QBLuke Hickey Da God

    Jun 30, 2003
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    none of these "crackdowns" are going to happen. you are making more of it than needs to be made. Enforcing underage drinking has no correlation to the chants of the student section.

    There is no evidence that those chanting were drunk, or underage. And even if they were so what, cracking down on that is not gonna solve the problem.

    Unless you want police standing in every aisle in the NEZ, there is nothing the university can do short of asking the students to watch their mouths. It's too hard to censor that many people, and it is foolish to get caught up in the actions of a small minority of the greatest section of the stadium. I am tired of people giving the student section heat when the main offenders before during and after the games of uncouth behaviour towards opposing fans happens to be from the drunk 40 year olds who haven't moved on past college. I've got enough stories just from today, where supposed mature adults showed their ass and embarrassed the university.

    The student section is expected to taunt and rile up the opposition, it's their jobs. The 40 year old has been alcoholic rednecks are the ones who you should be concerned with more, IMO.

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