Is there a rule on setting up in a spot? I finally have hit the age where I have a wife and kid and we do more family type of things so I would love to finally get my own Tailgate spot and start a tradition. What is the rule on grabbing a spot? If there is nobody in a spot by 7:00 a.m. gameday is that spot free game?
If you try to set up in a pay lot, you better have a parking pass for that lot or someone will get a cop to evict you. Technically, it's first-come-first served on the free parking parts of campus, but there are traditional spots where people have been tailgaiting for years and have paid their dues, so to speak. Mostly they get there early enough to hold their spot, but if a new guy comes early and takes it you'll likely be asked to move or they'll just set up right next you and make your day miserable. It pays to make good neighbors among nearby tailgaters. Observe for a couple of games and find a spot that doesn't seem to be staked out. In a crowded area, and most are, ask the nearby tailgaters if a spot is OK. Many times it is fine, the early bird gets the shadiest spots. But if somone says that Charlie and the Krewe of Whup-ass is late but has set up there for decades, consider moving on.
it's actually "chuck and the crew of whup ass" how did you know, red? rex, ditto to everything red said. ask around for the spot you wanna take. we're starting our 12th year in the same spot next week and we've had to defend it about 3 times in that span. it's pretty much understood that you'll respect the crew's right to be there. last year we actually had a nice little spot open by us (the group next to us moved closer to a power source) and people came and went thru the year, nobody's staked claim to it yet. look for people to be out extra early this weekend (especially in ESPN gameday comes)
The best spots usually are the closest to power sources or where you can easily load and unload your belongings. the Quad is always open with lots of shade if you want to lug your stuff there as is the areas near the metal shop. The large open areas across and ajacent to the dorms are pretty decent but again you have to get there early to get a spot to park. My suggestion would be to find a place that is ajacent to some regulars then after a few games you could make friends, just combined and have a bigger party.
Well if your looking for a spot for more family type atomosphere you need to look to the Parade Grounds more room to run around. As far as spot claiming you kind of just show up and look around. Like Red said most of the TRUE tailgaters show up early. All you need to do is walk over to one introduce yourself and ask if they know if there is an open spot around. We tailgate on the Parade Grounds right in front of the steps to the Union. Right next to us is Bushwood and which everyone of us is there first we hold the spot for the other. This year with Gameday I will be out at the Parade Grounds around 730 Friday Night and staying out there all night. I couldnt tailgate last year but before that there was an open spot to the right of us your more then welcome to come and setup there.
Unfortunatley, Crip, that spot was taken pretty regularly by a decent sized group with a bunch of pesky kids who could have used a smack or two upside the head. Not to fond of seeing them again this year so if you show up before they do, rex, we'll say your with us
this spot has been wide open for several years.Lots of shade and the union is right there for food and restrooms.Good luck
Hey guys thanks for the information. But to be honest I'm not real familiar with the campus as I did not attend LSU, went to ULL (don't ask) haha, but in the past I usually hung around the Ag center / SEBA ( I think it's called) area b/c of the easy access to parking. Not real sure if that is a good spot or not. Please keep the info flowing!