Syria crosses "red line" again...

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by GregLSU, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    For a second time, Syria has used chem warfare against its people. Wasn't it Obama who said there would be severe penalties for it? And now they're getting more aid.

    Obama is full of bluffs and big talk but the pussy won't do shit to anyone for anything. We still have noone responsible for Benghazi even though we'd bring those responsible to justice. Does anyone even listen to this dick sucker anymore besides NC?
    shane0911 and LSUTiga like this.
  2. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    I approve of this post.
  3. mancha

    mancha Alabama morghulis

    Aug 2, 2011
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    Sounds like the 80's and Central America all over again. We support a dictatorial regime because the alternative is not what we want either. Bush and the Neocons tried to invade and establish democratic govts but they are falling apart. That side of the world does its own thing. I'm for turning our back on that mess but I suppose that has its ramifications also.
    HalloweenRun likes this.
  4. GregLSU


    Dec 2, 2007
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    I'm just tired of listening to this blow hard moron threaten action, but yet Iran is ever closer to nukes and we think "talks" will do something that they haven't for decades, Syria is using chems on its people and we're giving them more money, Russia just flips us off, and oh don't forget Al Qaeda is on the run yet we're closing posts all over the world because they threatened us. Yeh they're really running.

    It seems as if the Messiah that was going to bring change to the world is an impotent douche that just likes to listen to himself talk, all he does is brush up on his golf game even though he royally sucks at it.
    shane0911 and Winston1 like this.
  5. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    You can't sell a used car by telling the truth my man. It was, is, always will be smoke and mirrors. When the quotes in his book were brought to light the "obamites" were out in full force saying "oh you took that out of context", "that was misquoted", When he kisses the ass of some muslim prince or whatever it is passed off as "professional courtesy" or "respect" it is grade A horse shit. Just keep looking the other way, nothing is going on here.
  6. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    Obama should have never made the statement about red lines; plain and simple. From a diplomatic stand point it's bad politics unless you are actually planning to take action and he obviously was not. That said, it's not our role to get involved every single time these middle eastern countries have an uprising. If we are going to do that then we need to resolve here and now to be in a perpetual state of war from here until the Universe reduces us all to a singularity. If you listen to John McCain or Lindsey Graham then we need to get involved any time a shot is fired in anger around the world and that doctrine of interventionism has to cease. We need to pick our battles over there and be smarter than Obama about promising something that we aren't willing or able to deliver. Contrary to popular belief here in TF, I do not agree with Obama's approach to Syria; it's been a disaster and the "red line" statement has only made it worse for him.

    To your other point, I hate to be the one to break the news to you pal but your opinion is in the minority in this country; and a shrinking minority at that. Further, the powers that be do not currently seem willing to come off of their ideologic high horse long enough to pass immigration reform so they have a fighting chance in the next Presidential election. Gerrymandered districts, which are part of our political system and have been for a long time, have a shelf life of 10 years. Right now those gerrymandered districts are the only thing keeping the Republican party from becoming completely irrelevant in this country. Next year they will retain the congress but only because of those gerrymandered districts. Like 2010, when the Republicans won in a "landslide," they lost the popular vote by almost one million votes nationally but won because they rigged the game for themselves after the 2010 census and did so at the state level, where districts are redrawn every ten years. Do you realize what that means? Unless the Republicans can continue to hold the state houses in Texas and Florida and North Carolina, where 50,000 new LEGAL hispanics turn 18 every single year in each state, with their current demographics then those districts will be redrawn in 2020 or at the lastest 2030 and then what?
    Just because you guys are in the majority around here and your buddies at work agree too don't think that you are in the majority in the country because you are not.

    I say this because the ideological right turn that the Republican party/Tea party have taken are going to cost not only them but the whole country. The greatness of our democratic process has been having a choice. If the Republicans are going to eliminate that choice to a growing demographic then the democrats will do what any political party does when they have no competition: enact their total agenda.....and that wouldn't be good for the country either.
    HalloweenRun likes this.
  7. kluke

    kluke Founding Member

    Dec 11, 2009
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    As you said both parties gerrymander - its appropriate that the person who originated the concept was a member of a party named the Democratic Republican Party. It's just another example of whoever is in power changing the rules to keep and grow more power. It's as old as Kings and Caesars.
    The reason I believe neither party will ever be irrelevant is because there are two things you can always count on both of them to do. (1) Work together to enact laws and regulations that guarantee there will never be a third party which they will have to share the power and money; it's the only thing that you can always count on to have bipartisan cooperation; and (2) When ever either party gets a disproportionate amount of power you can absolutely count on it to do something so monumentally stupid that the people will turn against them. The 2010 election results had less to do with gerrymandered districts and was more about people reacting to the move to consolidate a larger share of power and money in Washington.
  8. LaSalleAve

    LaSalleAve when in doubt, mumble

    Jun 8, 2008
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    So here's the question, and please don't take this as me being Probama, because that big eared ugly ass jack fuck can blow me.... If you were Potus what would you do?
  9. KyleK

    KyleK Who, me? Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2007
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    Love your way with words my friend :)
  10. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Let em do whatever they want. We have too much shit to worry about here in the states.
    HalloweenRun and Tiger in NC like this.

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