Sweet Potato in foil, in coals

Discussion in 'Good Eats' started by LSUTiga, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Went set yo yo's tonight and brought some hamburger steaks and potatoes. I'd never cooked a sweet potato in coals. It was dam good. Just rolled it up in foil, flipped it a couple of times and after 45 minutes, took it out.

    I had a baking potato too but one of my workers gave me some sweet ones so thought I'd give it a try.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Old scout trick . . . take an apple corer or a sharp thin knife and cut a core out of the center of the sweet potato, fill this cavity with cinnamon and butter, then plug it with a piece of the core and wrap in foil and put in the coals.

    I've done this in a toaster oven, too.
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  3. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    Dang, that sounds like a winner. I SWEAR when I did it (threw potatoes in fire) I thought to myself that I bet red has done this.

    When I told my wife and kids how good they were my wife's first question was, "Did you put butter?" I said, "Uh, I was 'campin'". :lol:
  4. HalloweenRun

    HalloweenRun Founding Member

    Oct 16, 2009
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    Sounds good.

    I recently read that if you cook a tater in foil, you are literally steaming it, as opposed to cooking a tater without foil in which you bake it.

    The implication was that baked was better than steamed, but if it is good, it is good!
  5. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    AT home I usually bake a sweet potato without foil because it is easy to dress up later with butter and cinnamon at home. It probably does taste better.

    I use the foil for cooking on coals while camping. Loading the yam with butter and cinnamon and wrapping it in foil before leaving home just makes it easier to handle in the field.

    I wrap them in foil when I use the toaster oven because the heating elements are so close they can burn the sweet potato.
  6. FirstCoastTiger

    FirstCoastTiger FirstCoastTiger

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Did this on the grill last. Turned out amazing. Thx for the tip!
  7. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    Sep 2, 2006
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    My youngest had a sleep-over Friday night and they wanted to make smores so I made them a fire and after they were done I tried what red suggested- butter only though. Holy SHYT! No comparison how much better it was with butter.

    I don't know, they're pretty "cooked" in the coals. From the post above, the only problem with the ones I did Friday night were that I grabbed some foil that wasn't "Heavy Duty" (why my wife would ever buy alum foil that is NOT HD is beyond me but) and the skins were more blackened than when I had the other time.
  8. stevescookin

    stevescookin Certified Who Dat

    Nov 18, 2008
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    The skins were more blackened than before because of the melted butter.

    Regardless of how you cook the sweet potatoes, try this sauce with the potatoes:

    Butter, brown sugar, vanilla, pecans, and a little rum.

    The proportions aren't important just melt it all down on medium heat, throw in the pecans and rum later. It's like making pralines but you don't keep cooking it to the candy stage. The rum helps dissolve the sugar in the butter.

    my customers love it when I cook sweet potatoes this way.
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  9. FirstCoastTiger

    FirstCoastTiger FirstCoastTiger

    Jul 7, 2008
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    Okay so what do you do with those leftover grilled sweet potatoes you ask?

    A: Sweet Potato Smoothies!

    Seriously I was kinda bored the other morning and wondered what this would taste like? When I mentioned it to my wife and kids they thought it sounded disgusting so I knew I had to do it! It turned out great BTW.

    Don't knock it till you try it - if you do decide to take the plunge here's what I do...

    1 medium sized GRILLED sweet potato

    1 banana

    1/2 cup walnuts

    1 cup ice

    1 cup milk

    Mixed it up in the Ninja blender and BAM! There's some great-tastin flavor up in there. Makes about 3 cups and it is very rich and a little tough to finish it all. But still a good way to break up the breakfast boredom. My son even likes them now.
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  10. acemic

    acemic Founding Member

    Apr 5, 2009
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    does it matter if it a dark or clear "white" rum......
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