Support Jamarcus Russell!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by max, Sep 5, 2004.

  1. max

    max Founding Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    I know he (along with the rest of the team) had a totally subpar night tonight but we need to stick behind Jamarcus. He is a great guy and team player and his presence will help settle in the other qb's. I think Jamarcus himself will be MUCH better later in the year after he gets over some nerves. I think its obvious that JaMarcus Russell is our future. He deserves much support.
  2. Jwho77

    Jwho77 Founding Member

    Mar 16, 2003
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    Yes indeed
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    He outplayed a 5th year senior.......
    He should get the credit for the win, he is 1-0 in my book.

    You couldn't come out in a tougher situation and win the game.

    All of you Marcus people, I like him and wish him the best but you guys don't make
    any sense.

    Ramah trying to say he's 4-4 when he is 2-4 as a starter with one of those wins a
    miracle toss against a Kentucky team.
    Does anyone remember just how bad our offense has been with Randall at the helm compared to Mauck?
    For god sake when they both were QB in 02?

    Some of you people are UNREAL!!!
  4. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    I support LSU TIGERS, whoever they are. AND NICK SABAN"S decisions on who to play.
  5. Scribbler

    Scribbler Freshman

    Aug 7, 2004
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    LSU is probably better off with Russell at QB (he can only get better), with Randall available off the bench (he seems more comfortable with that role). In any case, we need a passing game or it will be a long season for the offense.
  6. Turbotigerfan

    Turbotigerfan Founding Member

    Oct 10, 2003
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    Marcus Randall, a fifth year senior, showed absolutely no poise last night, coming out and throwing an interception on his FIRST pass attempt of the year and setting the tempo for the rest of the first half. It’s clear to me that Randall just doesn’t have the confidence level to be a successful quarterback in the SEC. JaMarcus Russell’s performance, especially after being thrown in the game under such adverse conditions, while not spectacular was much better than Randall’s and showed sparks of what to expect in the future. I hope Coach Saban heads off any quarterback controversy early and names Russell the new starter ASAP. I thank Randall for his loyalty and being the great team leader he has been for five seasons, but LSU has a much better chance of winning with Russell at the helm.
  7. Soap

    Soap Founding Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    Have to give Russell some credit. He played great for a freshman qb in his first game ever. He made some rookie over throws, but he also had his receivers drop quite a few balls. All in all I think he gives us the best chance for a passing game, and the best chance to win once he gets more experience.
  8. TwistedTiger

    TwistedTiger Founding Member

    Dec 10, 2003
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    I agree that he gives us the best chance to win at this point but to say that he played great is beyond stretching it. He showed some flashes and did what it took to get the job done but looked pretty ragged doing it. He did look better than Randall and has the most potential to improve but both QB's looked like they would get eaten alive if SEC play started today.
  9. Soap

    Soap Founding Member

    Oct 8, 2003
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    No doubt neither looked great, but I mean he played about as good as you can expect from a freshman. Also, do you really expect the same weather and field conditions for every game? Alot of people just don't factor that into the team's performance. Lets let the guys mature.
  10. DDTigerFan

    DDTigerFan Back from the Dead

    Feb 9, 2003
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    I'll support anybody out there if Nick thinks they are the man for the job. I think because Nick was so soon to make a change last night and the fact that JaMarcus led us to victory that Randall probably lost his job. I feel bad for Marcus and I am definitely not one of those ignorant *********s who boo him, but I think that Russell gives us a better chance to win. We need a vertical passing game otherwise we'll have 8 and 9 men in the box all year long.

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