I got tickets in Sec 640 Row 14. I have never been inside the Superdonme. Are these really as bad as I have been hearing or are the lower rows of the upper deck OK?
50 yard line, 14 rows up is PRETTY GOOD. A friend of mine just paid $700 for 40 yard line seats, 15 rows up. The Terrace is STEEP, but 14 rows isn't that bad. It's when you get to 30-41 rows up that it gets bad.
620 puts you in the corner. Action in the corner of the endzone where you are sitting is difficult to see, but other than that, you see the whole field pretty well. That's about where I was in '01 for Illinois.
http://www.superdome.com/site90.php I am Sec 616, Need to bring oxygen.... I guess section 616 is better then section Living room.
I am in 619 row 23. The location is kind of a bummer, but it won't hurt my mood any. I will be sky high for a few years. I am used to the height, but I am also used to sitting on the 50. Sure wish that they had a seating chart on their website like on the LSU website that had a picture from each section. Anyone have ANY pictures from the inside of the SuperDome so I could get an idea about what these seats would look like?
TexasTigers, I am in Sec 616, but I don't need O2. Which row are you on? I have individual seats on Rows 7 and 10. Will be trying to get someone around me to swap one so that my wife and I can sit together... Between the 20 and 30 yd line sounds a lot better than Living Room.
Tigermark, Try this website and you can click on your section. http://www.seatdata.com/html/nfl_saints/pick_section_nfl_saints.htm