if you miss out on the lottery, what's the best way to get tickets... ebay? I can definately get some on there, but finding a fair deal (considering the tickets are all 600 level) is impossible.... ideas?... btw, I'm looking for two tickets. Thanks
If your a season ticket holder and you put in for Sugar Bowl tickets before Nov. 20th, they saying you are definitely gonna get atleast 2.
Face is 95.00 so thats not to bad. I was on the WooPig.net and someone had 2 upperlevel tickets in the endzone for 700.00.
We ordered some from the Sugar Bowl's site last night before it was announced and we got a receipt and everything--what do you think the probability is of getting tix? EDIT: They debited the money from the bank... good news?
Yes ! NOTE: A friend of mine just e-mailed me, he paid $250.00 for a ticket last night with a "broker".
Either good news or you end up like this guy: [MEDIA]http://citimedia.virage.com/vss-bin/vss_WindowsMedia.pl/citibank/play?proxy_url=mms%3A//mmtenc04.ny.ssmb.com/././cm_20040810_c123_220kbps.asf;proxy_offset=-16;timein_msec=16;timeout_msec=30150;timein=00%3A00%3A00%3A00;timeout=00%3A00%3A30%3A04[/MEDIA]