I was listening to Rivals radio today and they said that ND only gets around 4.2 million payout. They cut a deal with the BCS years ago that says they are paid a minimum of 1 million per year whether they go to a BCS bowl or not. If they go to a BCS bowl, they only get a maximum of 4.2 million, no matter if the payout exceeds this. Wonder what happens to the left over money?
Don't quote me on this, but I think that has something to do with the fact that there not in a conference.
Opps, I quoted you... :hihi: ...cause you are correct and it has everything to do with that. Here's a link if you want the story: :thumb: http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/sports/articles/0428bcsirish0428.html
Just don't tell bhelm (aka. Mr Link) that I posted a link for you, he gets pissed when we don't leave that for him. :grin:
I figured I could draw you out! You know I'm full of **** and an *******, and that I do enjoy the links so just say eff u when you see my name. :grin: I thought about you Sat. One of my friends who lives in LC game to the gym to see his daughter play and told me he had a friend who needed to get rid of 6 Sugar Bowl tics and was having a hard time.....AND for $115.00???? He had taken two. I told him I'd take two but later remembered we'd just be back from DisneyWorld and work Thur. so I passed but sold them for him before we walked out the gym. I told him he could get a lot more but I don't know what eventually went down cause after I introduced him to the guy I walked away for them to discuss finances! :grin: