Let me start by saying this information is from my friend who has friends in the ticket office. I consider this person a very creditable source. This is what he heard. 1. There will be a lottery for a couple of days that you sign up online at www.lsusports.com. 2. Each person can buy one ticket and can't sell it because they will check a list or an id at the superdome. 3. Tickets are $150 each. 4. We received 2000 student tickets. Like I said this is not set in stone, but don't be surprised if this is at least partly correct.
Having the check list for ID's could possibly be a good idea if it's done right. But alas I am sure the Ticket Office will find a way to mess things up. I would think students will get an email about all this tommorow sometime. I was hoping for an email tonight but oh well. It's time for bed, got finals this week
I believe they want to do something, but even I'll skeptical of them actually pulling off a non-scalping deterrent.
They'll open up the student entrance gate probably significantly earlier than the other portals for fans wanting to get into the Dome. They'll have plenty of time to scan ID's like they do at b-ball games and/or manually check and check off ID's...As well as pat down for "alcoholic imports" anyone's bringing in... I'm sure the Campus Community Coalition for Change and the other teetoaling members of the campus community will be there with their handouts and grant money financed crusade to ensure that NO ONE has ANY DRINKS in the stadium that are not purchased. But, it'll all be in an attempt to curb "dangerous drinking"... I would ask..."What is 'safe' drinking?"
Something needs to be done to curb scalping. But what would you do in the case of someone getting a ticket but do not attend the game and give it or sell it (face value) to their roommate or friend who wasn't lucky enough to get in on the lottery? Will you be able to transfer the ticket to someone like someone can for season tickets? All I know this is going to get messy.
I know nothing more than what I have written. Personally, I think you should pay your 150 and if something happens then you are just shit out of luck. NO EXCEPTIONS!
I know alot of Freshmen come on this board, but I truly believe this lottory should be open to seniors first, then juniors,and so on. The closer you get to the real world the more special each game gets. Thats why I'd drive to Oxford with no ticket. Thats why I shedualed job interviews around the Tigers. I found it really upsetting that four years of support means nothing to the talking heads. I got lucky and had a friend who won a ticket in the lotttary and also won one in the contest. My roomate paid 125 bucks in Atlanta. Our frewshman neighbot won one in the lottory am I the only one who has a problem with this?
I couldn't have said it better! I'm a junior and if all the tickets were taken by seniors I'd be mad, but I'd get over it. Maybe even do it like class scheduling.
When does the lottery start? What do they do, just scan your ID? So you can bring multiple IDs? BTW, i'm Junior so I wouldn't mind it starting with seniors.