I never was in the student section before, but a friend of mind has a couple student section tickets. Would I be able to get in there even if I'm not a student, or do I need an ID?
If they are true student tickets you will need an ID. When my wife was at LSUHSC they gave them tickets that were actually like season tickets and did not require an ID.
this year you need the new student ID. The name on the ticket and ID do not have to match but it has to be the new ID. I don't know if they will be checking the pictures to make sure the ID photo matches those who have the ID. They are only allowing 500 student ticket upgrades per game. I am sure most of the upgrades for most of the games are already taken up as there was a long line around the outside corner of the Athletic Building when the ticket office opened up on Tuesday to start doing upgrades.
is there a way to get into the student section with a regular ticket? i guess a more appropriate question is can i sneak in? i have a single ticket and i'd rather sit with my friends than a bunch of strangers.
as long as it is not in the upper decks, then yes. It is a bit harder from the south endzone cause you have to navigate the ramps properly to make it around. Any where else, just walk around and go in the student section from the top. The only place I know they check student ID's is at the gates and on some of the initial ramps from the ground underneath the seats.
If you are in the 200 sections no problem. Anywhere else requires some knowledge of the interior of the stadium.