Kudos to Stoops ... he is the BEST ... Saban cannot touch him ... in the following categories: The Sideline 3 "W's" Whimpering ... Whining ... Working the Refs The word "Humorous" does nothing to describe Stoopsie's antics on the sideline during the KSU game ... man, this cat has a MASTER'S degree in the above 3 cats. He worked those refs relentlessly UNTIL he got the call HE WANTED. Nothing wrong with that? Unless the Dee Pass Interference call was undeserved, and it was. The Big 12 REFS didn't have the stones to penalize Stoops like they should have ... hell ... he ran over one of 'em on the field during one of his tantrums ... buckled the guys knees ... NO PENALTY CALLED ... EJECTION from the game was even in order ... YOU CANNOT HIT OR RUN INTO A REF. We can expect to see more of this in the Dome ... count on it. Too bad Stoopsie won't have a Big 12 crew to bully around. Those other Conference Refs tend to get their feelings hurt when they get BULLDOZED.
Stoops Ramah, Come on! Bashing Stoops is unproductive and stupid. He has a ridiculous record in big games. He is something like 15-2 against top ten teams. That's pretty impressive. I take nothing away from Saban, but Stoops too turned around a 'sleeping giant' and has delivered incredible results in his 5 years on the job. Just look what he does to poor Texas each year and the few teams (OSU, TX a&m) who have beaten him over the past few years. I think our boys will be ready to play and they'll need to be as Stoops will have his boys ready too.
Just passing on Noteworthy observations of the Big 12 Championship game ... don't be surprised to see ... BULLET BOB BULLDOZE A REFEREE AND GET PENALIZED OR CHUNKED FROM THE GAME, especially when OU is getting whipped by 14 or more ... welcome aboard Sooner!