TP said today he is in Seattle....Brady said it may take him 3-4 games to get into sync....expect him to get some minutes tomorrow night
i dont know exactly what brady is talking about, but he practices just as much as anyone else, so he should be in good shape... maybe he is just referring to the overall speed of the game, even though practicing against LSU should be about as fast as a game
Was he on academic probation? I thought that a player couldn't practice with the team if he was on probation? Is that right?
practice doesn't compare to playing in a game, i don't care who else you are going up against there is no substitute for "basketball shape" i am gonna trust the coach on this one
I disagree. I played HS ball for two years. Practice was much worse than the game. If you are in shape enough to handle practice, you are in shape enough to play in the game.
As has been said, expect Terry Martin to play tonight even if it's just for a few minutes. The Advocate today also reports more on yet another "M" that gets to add his stamp to the men's team this year... Which brings me to the preliminary question (preliminary b/c the season's not nearly yet into it enough to make a determination) on this year's team of this. Who (of the new players last year) has surprised so far and made an impact? Who will be the key factors heading into SEC play? Personally, I'd say that of the three "M"s who were supposed to make an impact, all of them have yet to prove themselves. Mason is just trying to find himself out there. Minor has had moments of impact, but some inconsistencies still (he has a 1.5 to 1 assist to turnover ratio... better, but he's shooting at a relatively poor %). Now, Martin joins the crew. From the write up, Martin has been practicing with the starting team and doing well. So, it'll be interesting to me to see how Brady weaves Terry into the line up. Does Mason get less time? Does Tack get less time? Or, does he just spell Temple and Mitchell? If you believe the article, and the fact that Temple could slide over to just play point (Temple does have a nice 2.5 to 1 assist to turnover ratio) to allow Martin to concentrate on shooting, Martin could allow the team add another dependable shooter, which would really help against the zone. So far this team has relied HEAVILY on Davis, Mitchell and Temple, which was probably expected, but I honestly thought one other guy would have stepped up by now and become a factor. Still waiting on who that will be.
The difference is in practice you know your teammates weakeness, strength and tendancies. Not so in a real game. Your mistakes seem to cost more.