Can't wait for the address tonight as the Cajun Navy founder will be on hand as a guest of GEOTUS Trump. Also, this means a Maxine Water rebuttal on BET! Comedy GOLD!
Let's see hes gonna cover unemployment Lowest for women blacks and Hispanics. The not quite 3% gdp. Iran Iraq isis north korea. Regulations redacted (for each 1 implemented they removed 22 allegedly) . The US is now open for business internationally. And this 1.7?? trillion stimulus. I'll add more as they come to me.
You forgot the wall Who says building a border wall won't work? The Chinese built one over 2,000 years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans.
On another note this fool is calling for the arrest of any illegal aliens at the speech. Whatever you think of the issue his action puts the worst possible face on those opposed to illegal immigration. It is more in style with Nazi jack boot tactics than a free republic.
Political grandstanding, sure but shouldn't illegal aliens be arrested wherever and whenever they are found?