Does this kind of tick anyone else off? There are normal joes out there trying desperately to get these tickets, but some of these bungholes aren't content with just eight tickets and want more. At least Bill Cassidy is donating his tickets to a charity raffle.
They get LSU regular season tickets and Bowl tickets every year and have for as long as I can remember. That's one of the perks of being a crook that makes the laws. If you want change quit voting the same criminals back in office. JMHO
I realize that if they really want the tickets that they'll get them. I was more angered by the fact that Joe Salter is saying that he believes that it doesn't matter who buys the tickets when the fact is that he already has eight and is trying to get four more, thus screwing more average people from their shot at tickets. But that's the life of the priveledged, I guess.
I feel your pain and it's that let the peasants eat cake attitude that makes me want them all voted out. You can bet most of them will either sale the tickets or give them to their political crownies(sp?). It's the corrupt political system we deal with every day.
The shocker is not that they want more tickets, it's that they are not slick enough to have a couple of suites reserved. I find it offensive that our cheating politicians are not smart enough to get a better deal done. :hihi:
Back around '84 when I was a student, the Athletic Department took some of the best seats out of the student section to give to state legislators. There was literally a mob that marched from Free Speech Alley to Bob Broadhead's office (the AD back then) to protest. We were told that he had left for the day. How convenient.
Ahhh Legislators, you gotta love 'em for all the perks they have...Isn't it funny how much money under the table these people make??? And to top it off, they get more than enough tickets to go to the NCG...I hate politicians!!
OMG, in that case, I think I'm just going to run.......away. I felt pretty much the same as what the other posters expressed but there was one who reminded me that there are at least some "Good guys".