I know that Starkville gets the opportunity to be the butt of a lot of jokes but they've got the right recipe when it comes to creating the right atmosphere. I have been to MSU on several occasions for both baseball and football games. I have also been to more than half of the venues across the SEC. No one has shown the kind of professionalism, courtesy and basic hospitality that my wife and I enjoyed last Thursday. When we walked into the stadium we were greeted by a uniformed stadium employee who personally welcomed us, thanked us for attending, wished us best of luck and offered his assistance with anything that we needed. After the game as we were walking to the car we came across another person in an MSU shirt who thanked us for coming, invited us back and wished us safe travels home. What made the difference is that each of these people approached us, they were professional and they were sincere. This was clearly not window dressing and it was simple, impactful and impressive. Now maybe this is a standard in other places and I've been missing it all along. Either way, it was definitely first class and we will go back.
Glad you had a good time and glad Moo U fans represented their university well. I like hearing stories of good fan behavior, you hear sooooo much of the bad.
Cliff, you must have read my mind. I was at the Ole Miss game when we had the clock debacle a few years ago and I must say that although that was my first experience in a hostile environment it was the pits. Those fans with the exception of a few good Samaritans were the most obnoxious people I've ever had the misfortune of being in close company with. That fan base believes without a doubt that they are better than pretty much everyone else. In fact, it just warms my heart to see State finally getting the upper hand against those clowns.
I also had a great experience last week in Starkville. We even had several fans tell us that they hoped we had a great time in Starkville.
I believe it. Me and a friend from Gulfport watched the game out here on the left coast. I commented several times how I wanted to go to Starkville to catch a game someday. Not because MSU is a storied program playing in a storied stadium, but because I want to interact with the people who genuinely warm and hospitable. MS undeservingly catches a lot of flak from a lot of people.