My wife, Stacie just got back from Atlanta from filming the new ESPN/Hooters College & Pro Football commercials with Lee Corso and Terry Bradshaw. She said it was a blast, and both of the guys were really nice. Especially Bradshaw. They talked a lot of football, Terry asked Lee about who should be the real Champs from last year. Lee said LSU without a doubt. Lee also said that they would have a good year if they would go 9-2 without Mauck. Neither Bradshaw nor Corso could name the current QB, and Stacie put them in their place by passing by and telling it was Marcus Randall. I made her bring an LSU National Championship shirt to the shoot, and she took some pictures with the guys. One has Lee Corso holding up the shirt. I'll post it here later this week. She got his contact info, and we are going to try to meet up when College gameday heads to BR for the opener. GEAUX TIGERS. And if you get a chance, make sure you vote for her on the Maxim Hometown Hotties contest on The voting ends this week. Thanks :geaux:
San Antonio, Thank Stacie for her efforts in plugging LSU. Being in the bayous we some times get overlooked nationally. I voted for Stacie last week or so and I will be glad to give her my contact info if she (Ya'll) want to get together for Gameday :lol: Geaux Tigers :usaflagwa :laflagwav :lsug: PS Where are those Pics!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to see the pictures... Tell Stacie that I will write her a $5,000 check for every punch she lands on Trev Alberts if and when she meets him... :wink:
SanAntonioTiger: I fixed that red eye picture you posted here a couple weeks ago. Check it out. Plus, I voted for her too!
glad she didn't wear her SA Spurs shirt this time! She must of been advised of our displeasure with her comments in the maxim article.
It is amazing to me how all of a sudden media people are proclaiming LSU the real champs when I could not find any to say that during the whole controversy. It has to be the fact that they wanted the BCS changed and now that they got it, they are changing their tune. I specifically remember Lee saying USC would beat LSU after the Sugar Bowl, and at the time Herbstreit said LSU would have beat USC but he was the only one.
they said it to change the BCS as you they are simply saying the truth on how they feel. the media list that did this is endless. funny how they spin things to suit themselves.
I'm pretty sure Herbstreit said LSU would've beaten USC in the Superdome but USC would've won anywhere else. Anyone else remember him saying this?