On right now - in depth discussion about this being the best WR class in history. Already mentioned Clayton a few times and both Clayton and Henderson were shown on the lead in video. If you are at home or near a TV check it out. Good Lord, I want it to be football season right now! They are giving Clayton a lot of credit for his blocking abilities and one guy just picked Henderson as the sleeper WR pick - he said Henderson had the Defensive Backs in the Senior Bowl tackling thin air...
As well it should. I HATE watching hockey. I always do my spring flower planting on Draft Day. I can take my radio outside and play it loud. The draft isn't something I have to WATCH; I actually prefer listening to it while working hard and getting dirty.
Could this be the best wr draft of all time? It really is amazing to me the number of really good wr's in this years draft!
It's nice to know that Henderson and Clayton are getting some ESPN love in the promos--because prior to last season, when the network penned 2003 as "The Year of the Wide Receiver," neither of them got nary a mention.