some of the awful mistakes we've seen recently. Va Tech with the one arm deer hunter orange sleeve last week on Thursday night. Then Florida decided they'd go for that similar look against Georgia - how bad did those look? I knew Miami was going to use a throwback uniform at least once this year and it's not that those green and gold things look too bad, it's just it look so Baylor-like it was hard to see who the heck it was. Then last night, Louisville broke out with the all black uniforms...I didn't think they were too bad but it was a bit much. Give me your thoughts on some of these lovely fashion faux pa's we've seen?
The Miami throwback wasn't too bad once I realized it was a throwback. I didn't know they were doing that, so I just flipped to the game and got really confused. The most confusing part for me was the color difference. The UF jerseys were putrid. I didn't see the VaTech ones, but I'm sure they weren't any better. From what I heard it's a new Nike design that they were trying with a few schools. Whoever came up with that design should be fired. I think LSU should do a throwback jersey from the early 1900's. Ya know, small pads and a leather cap. That would be cool. Better yet, maybe Bama should do that next week.
How about those bass boat lookin' black metal-flake helmets @ Texas Tech ? :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope: :nope:
Bubba the word "putrid" was a perfect description of the UF jerseys. Who in their right mind thought that looked good? Then what moron at UF said, sure we'll pay for that? It's like they ran out of material and sewed on an orange chevron-patch like those worn by MPs in the Army over their uniforms. Va Tech was very similar. There's a famous photo of Jimmy Taylor in the media guide, I want to say circa 1956 or 57 in a long sleeved purple jersey with large gold stripes over the biceps with two smaller white stripes near the ends of the end of the gold. The numerals are gold, shadowed in white. The pants are satiny gold with a small white stripe down the side with purple piping in the middle. I wouldn't mind seeing LSU use these for a throwback uniform in a game like this one versus App. State. I think it'd be kind of cool.