certainly...my lock of the week has to be UCF +21.. Can Spurrier even field a team, much less win by three touchdowns?
Yeah, it's got to be hard to concentrate on football. I saw a few interviews last night. They were talking about doing their jobs and taking care of business but you could tell their was some anguish. Found a story on Saints.. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9158450/
something tells me the Saints will do REALLY well under these circumstances... They always seem to play well when no one is watching... like last year when we all wrote them off at 4-8
If I see a determined bunch of Saints busting their asses in order to represent their city and their neighbors in an effort to provide a few hours of blessed diversion, I will wipe the slate clean and follow and support them. If I see the same kind of lackadaisacal crap we usually get out of them, well, then they are just another part of the city that is in desperate need of repair.
I'd love to watch but have class til freaking 9:30. Hope to see some highlights. My enthusiasm for football dropped so much the last few days...I NEVER thought that would happen.