Looks like Tony has developed quite the gambling/losing problem. Yet another reason for people to get whacked.
I see the transformation back to his old self. That = more whackings. He is getting more sellfish and blaming everyone else for his problems and being overly opptimistic. When that happens it is going to crush him and he will take it out on others. Spoiller Alert: I love how he brought all the money back to Hesh after his woman died, Tony is back on track and I cant wait to see him explode.
Question is...where did Tony get that money? We know Tony launders most of his money through some Russians so he certainly had the $200K to pay back Hesh. But he is a selfish SOB and would never have touched his own cash to pay that debt back. It could have been that Carm gave him the money from the spec house...unlikely however. Or, has Tony been talking the Feds about the Muslim activity he sees going on. Looked to me like a drug deal going down with the Muslims when Tony was driving past Satriale's. The Feds have been up Tony and Christopher's ass for 2 seasons now about giving up any info on suspicious activity dealing with the Muslims. Maybe Tony gave some info to the Feds and got a little $omething in return for his information. It's not unheard of for the Feds to purchase info from informants. And the next day...Tony pays Hesh off in full after the VERY VERY suspicious death of his girlfriend. HMMMM. Thank God AJ's woman is gone..I hope. Could have done without the scene of lil Vito dropping a deuce on the shower floor then stepping in it. But it's good to see the effect on the family of a made guy being whacked. And of course my quote of the night...Tony says something like Maybe you should quit watching TV land and start sucking c0ck...commenting on how much MORE money Vito brought to him with the construction racket. Great line. Sorry TIGA for the length of my post. :yelwink2:
Tony needs more money. The whole episode is about Tony pissing away his cash as soon as he gets it. Carmela is worried that she's going to get left with nothing when Tony gets whacked or imprisoned. He's borrowing money from Hesh, for heavens sake. Money is about to get Tony in trouble What's with Hesh? I get the feeling that he would be a dangerous enemy. You got to figure he has more connections than just Tony.
I still want to know how Hesh's girly croaked. Tony wouldn't have anything to do with that would he have?
They are setting up every main character to have a problem with Tony. Tony really doesn't like any of them and they don't like him either. First Bobby Bacala--the fight, Then Christifuh--the movie, Paulie--the trip, and now Hesh--the loan. Add Carmela's money, Phil's revenge, the gambling losses, and Dr. Melfi's ultimatum . . . Tony is getting pressure from all sides. I'm still pulling for Furio to come back and run off with Carmela and for the Russian to appear and to chain Paulie to a tree somewhere out in the snow with his shoes off.
Are we not overdue for a surprising, violent execution? I still think Tony will get killed in the last episode. He has turned into quite the loser. Not many admirable traits left in our "hero".
I still think that tony will be presented with a choice between his two families... I see the Tony Jr. breakup as a prelude to Jr. getting in trouble, and tony being offered a deal to get him off... THE question will be which family will he choose. We would all think that he would choose his real family and take a deal to get his kid off, but the great ending would be for him to let Jr. "be a man", which will cost him his marriage.
Another good episode. I like how they slowly are building up the Christopher/Paulie Walnuts/Tony pressure to be resolved presumably in the last two episodes. The writers finally put A.J. on his rightful path into following Tony's footsteps in this episode.