I GOT LOCKED OUT OF THEIR BOARD! CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? JUST CUZ I USED THE TERM "OKIE"! Man, what sore losers those guys are. I guess that's ok. They are now ancient history, except that I have to live here with them. Unbelievable! GEAUX TIGERS!!!! LSU, 2003, THE BEST IN THE NATION AND THE SEC!!! :geaux: :helmet: :lsug: :helmet: :geaux:
they are very tempermental on their boards it seems. The USC boards and the LSU boards seem to let guys say just about anything they want without shutting people down as long as it doesn't get too nasty.
They tried to compare coonass with okie, saying that okie should only be used by other okies. cause by an outsider, it can be perceived as negative. my response was that coonass is a term of endearment, and offense is never taken, unless perhaps, you aren't one...