I fail to see any correlation between one's intelligence and place of residence. I do, however, see a hint of ignorance from someone who gets all worked up over my supporting LSU's coach. As far as your quote, I don't catch crawfish but I'd be glad to lend you a few bucks to purchase some. Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.- Elbert Hubbard
Cajun_Bengal, I have not made any effort to belittle anyone, certainly not you. Some here just need to have a little helium removed from their balloon. I have not belittled anyone. The original purpose of this thread, however, was to belittle Brady. If you can't handle the fact that some take exception then don't read the posts. How much easier it is to be critical than to be correct. - Benjamin Disraeli
Located on page 3 of this thread. "People have their own opinions of things. I respect yours and I hope you respect mine." -Cajun_Bengal People disagree. That's life. I respect your opinion of Brady. That's fine. That's not really the point anymore. The only point I'm making is that I think it's wrong that you find it necessary to put down people because they may not share the same opinion as you. You can say that you don't, but it's true. Examples:
The IQ remark was directed at this: Everthing directed to TE was intended. He's full of himself and needs a little comeuppance. The other quotes were intended to be poking fun and not to be taken literally. For instance, Girl Tiger, or whatever her name is asked me to explain a quote in what I took to be a "huffy" tone, so I responded with a quote that implied that if she didn't understand it then there was no need for further attempts to make her understand. Thicken your skin a little Cajun. I'm having fun here. And I'd like to clarify my position on Brady. Whether or not he is a good coach is purely in the eye of the beholder. I've consistently stressed that I support the coach, whoever he is and I trust the administration to make coaching decisions that are in the best interests of LSU. I don't pretend to be an expert so I'm not into analyzing coaching decisions in hindsight. That's just me. If you can't handle losing games to the point where you feel it necessary to crucify a particular individual, then have at it. Just don't get all worked up when I post my thoughts. Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do.- Dale Carnegie
do you have like a bartlett's quotinator machine? how do you do that? every post ends with some apt ass quote. do you have a quote robot as your slave?
Do I really have to say this again? "People have their own opinions of things. I respect yours and I hope you respect mine." -Cajun_Bengal In all honesty, SabanFan, I hope you prove me and all of the other Brady bashers dead wrong. I don't care who the coach is as long as we win. If Brady is around next year, which he probably will be, I just hope he wins games. If Brady gets fired in the near future, I hope whoever takes his place wins games. I just want to win games. Period. I don't care who the coach is.