This was posted on a major 'Phin board by the same friend ("Boomer") who provided the information I relayed to y'all the other day. I figured whether it's accurate or not, it would at least help brighten your holiday. ________________________________________________________________ I think from the tone of my e-mail this morning, that Nick Saban is staying in Baton Rouge. The biggest sticking point is not money or not Tom Heckert Jr or anything else. It's family pure and simple. I've been told that Miami HAVE merely indicated that they feel Heckert should be up for consideration, they have not forced the issue with him. But the biggest deal is that Saban's family would rather stay in Baton Rouge. His youngest daughter is so adamant about not moving that the biggest discussion point is whether the Saban family stays in Louisiana and Nick lives by himself in Miami. And part of the reason for the delay is the family situation around this and around how often they will see him. The end of the e-mail said this: .....Simon, there is a lot of concern here tonight that Saban will turn it down. There is a meeting planned - it may already be going on as I type - between Saban, his wife and kids and Sexton at the family home. The bottom line is his family and Baton Rouge and LSU ball and all it encapsulates may win the day yet. Things have changed a lot. There are people within the Dolphins FO that think that the Tigers are about to get a really big Christmas present." I really hope this isn't the case. Lets keep our fingers crossed. But whichever way you look at it, you only have to check the Miami press to see that the feelings of euphoria eminating from Davie have changed considerably. ______________________________________________________________ Have a happy holiday guys!
A good sounding story. Nick in Miami, family in BR sounds like it doesn't work in a multi-year deal. I have separated from my family for 2 months when I moved to Houston, but I wouldn't want it to go beyond that. If you MUST do it for financial reasons, or to take care of a parent, it can be done. Just for money and challenge, family gotta win that one. All praise Terry and an eigth grade young woman! Come on Nick, LSU is a fun place to hang around. You'll never experience anything like Saturday nights in Tiger Stadium over in Miami. And Baton Rouge is home of the nicest, most down to earth people in the world.
There is also a delay because of an illness in the family and they haven't really been able to get together to discuss it in depth. If it were not for that I believe we would have an answer now. I feel for Coach Saban's family because it is a tough decision especially when you have to deal other personal issues also.
starting to get irritated My original feeling was that if Saban took the Miami job, I would be grateful for what he did for LSU, and wish him well. Now, the way this is dragging on, I don't know. If in fact what is going on is a true "gut-wrenching family decision," family doesn't want him to go, etc., then I certainly understand the extra time needed. On the one hand, do we really want him to stay at LSU when his heart may be in the NFL, just b/c his wife and daughter don't want to leave? Let me think about that ... yep, that's fine with me! Thank God for the family! However, I read some posts on the Miami Herald Dolphins website this morning, and one guy speculated that Saban is being smart -- basically circumventing the NFL rule that says NFL coaches can't contact other NFL personnel about positions --- doesn't apply to Nick RIGHT NOW b/c he's not an NFL coach, he's still a COLLEGE COACH. If that is in fact the truth, and Nick is burning up the phone lines to NFL people looking for a GM and assistant coaches, rather than engaging in soul-searching discussions with his wife and child, then, IMHO, that BLEAUXS and I would hold a grudge, as I would imagine most Tiger fans would as well. What kind of person drags loyal LSU fans' hearts through the wringer for the sake of finding a good GM for the Dolphins? The fact is, no one really knows the true situation so I'll reserve judgment until we hear the true situation. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt at this point and accept at face value the "gut-wrenching decision" story, but, if it turns out to be the other scenario, you'll have a lot of unhappy campers in TigerTown. ldskule:
Trying to decipher the thoughts and actions of a family is always tricky, but something doesn't seem right about this report. How could Nick not know how dead-set his wife and daughter are against moving right now before reaching this stage in negotiations? It seems strange to suggest that Nick would take a, "Yeah, they're not for the move, but if push comes to shove and I get what I'm asking for, they'll relent" with his own wife and daughter. Suggesting further that his agent and, possibly, the owner are being brought in to "pressure" any holdouts against moving seems downright ghoulish. While his wife and daughter really, truly may not want to leave, it's very hard for me to believe they'd truly stand in Nick's way if this is really what he wants to do. It's not like he's some small-scale coach uprooting his family to move to the middle of nowhere. Nick's brought Terry to wonderful locales like Cleveland and Houston, East Lansing and Toledo, so asking her to take in the fun and sun of Miami and seeing her husband earn more in a single year than he did in, say, all his time as head coach at Michigan St. to do what he's wanted to do his entire career...gee, I don't know. Again, trying to divine what's going on in someone else's household is very dicey. We'll find out soon enough what's going on.
Hey man, figured you guys were worrying about it more than we are and you might as well get a little lift to the ole Chrismas spirit.