Something I noticed on

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Fishhead, Jan 1, 2007.

  1. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    While peeking in at the TideFans forum, I ran across a thread concerning the classless acts of Dwayne Jarrett during the Rose Bowl, although, I kid you not, they said DALE Jarrett.:lol:
    The admin, Earle I believe, stated that Jarrett only did what he did to pay back #19 for the cheap shot in the end zone. A poster disagreed, saying that #19 didn't even get his moneys worth after Jarrett had been taunting him for the last 10 yards. The admin, Earle, absolutely threatened him, ( not with physical harm, mind you, but still...), and warned him as if he was going to ban him for disagreeing with him on the forum. I found it to be ridiculous, and thought about how much leeway is granted here by the admin. I appreciate the fact that TF's(Tigerforums) admin doesn't consider himself to be so high and mighty that nobody should ever disagree with him. I've only been visiting this site for a month or so, and I just wanna say I truly enjoy the interaction with almost everyone. I have seen disagreements on here as well, but they are handled without threats. Seems like they take themselves a bit too seriously on several other sites I have visited, such as TideFans and the ND forum from which most of us have been banned. Thanks for providing me with a great source of info, and a great place to talk Tigers with other Tigers. I will soon have the "contributor" title below my screen name.:geauxtige
  2. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    I am an administrator of thanks for the visit. Several members here post on tidefans and we treat them well. What you don't see is tidefans bashing tigerforums. :wink:

    BTW I'm calling BS on Earle threatening the member. Link to thread
  3. TigerBait3

    TigerBait3 Guest

    Well, at lkeast they dont have ramah, ovd, and others...i kid...or do i?
  4. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    But what we do see is a tidefans admin coming on tigerforums trying to police one of our members.
  5. Fishhead

    Fishhead Founding Member

    It was retaliation for #19's sucker hit on him in the end zone in the last TD. Doesn't make it right, but that's why he did it...

    Your point has no point really. If what you say is ok, then #19's late hit in the endzone was justified by #9 taunting him on his way into the endzone.

    I don't understand how it's ok to taunt, and then hand the ball to the opponent, and not receive a flag...and then I remember it's USC.

    Good grief, mustang, can you read? All I was pointing out was that it had turned into tit for tat. I specifically said it did not make it right. If you have anything else to say to me, email or PM me. Clear?

    That's the sequence to which I refer, and to me, that's ridiculous. I can't say what you guys say about Tigerforums, I haven't read every thread there. But I do know there are specific LSU bashing threads there, and they do wind up here. Typical Bama, to me. Think your stuff don't stink.:dis:
  6. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    I'm not policing anyone just defending what is right. Show me where I am policing anyone.
  7. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

  8. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    It may be time for someone like Texastiger, Red55 or JeanLafitte to step in and tell some of you how I defend you guys when that stuff starts up on our message board. I didn't come here to fight but as a member and contributor I can roll up my sleeves if need be.
  9. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    What on Earth are you talking about???
  10. bayoutider

    bayoutider Founding Member

    Read fishheads last remark to me.

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