Exactly what role do you play in fact finding endeavors? Or do you always just sit back in the cheap seats and criticize other's attempts to get as much info as possible.
Incorrect again. You suffer from selective memory. Saban's wife did not want to go-----check Saban's daughter did not want to go----check Saban declined initial offer------check The principals involved met with Saban early the next morning------check Also go pull up the old threads where I consistently said that only Saban really knew how it would go down. But everyone already knew those things, right?
I am pretty sure every single LSU fan knew that Saban would be the main person behind what would really go down with himself.
Reading comprehension time ------ ONLY Saban really knew and not people with their opinions on it based on the info that they had gathered.
As Martin scurries through my old posts to try and come back on me, I will remind him of this. Go back and read Skip's comments that Saban kept changing his mind. First post on this thread.
http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?t=22870 Hmm this one was from 12-15-04. Look at martin's insightful response after the post. Worthless, as usual.
and the wife and daughter thing, man you must be a psychic. usually wives and daughters jump at the chance to abandon their lives and their friends. wow, thats the kinda insight that is really useful. thanks for that. the rumors that i made up to prove a point (but were deleted) were accurate. but unlike you i admit that i was making up guesses. so i am more honest, as well as more accurate.