Tigerskin And Marine tiger, Moses has spoken. ( see above ) the tablets are engraved in stone. Got It? :dis:
guys, it's no secret he went back and forth on this one.... whoever said he's a business man was right on. he's one hell of a coach/business man.
Like what? All you keep repeating is that he interviewed with the Dolphins and was interested in previous jobs. I am not asking for impossible standards whatsoever....I think you are stretching a bit on when Saban knew he would take this job.
Crawfish, I don't think some of these folks are mad about that. I think the problem is much deeper. What it looks like to me is that they are crying because the big bad Wolf, coach Saban, didn't give them any bye bye sugar when he left. :shock: :shock: How mean! I think he should be reported to the national Daycare foundation or something. what an Outrage! :angry: :dis: :lol:
I agree that the proof is everywhere for Saban to accept an NFL job. I don't think it can be argued any other way. But there is no proof that states he had accepted this job weeks ago. I know you think I am being a bit hard-headed but I just don't get where this thought is coming from outside of anger from him leaving. If he thought he was leaving weeks ago, why did he take so damn long to leave? Why did he keep needing days to decide? I think it was known that his family kept swaying him in certain ways.
Here's a thought..for all those di#$heads on this board that keep asking for proof for anything "contrary to public statements" made solely to save face...how about you offer some proof before asking for it. "The Americans' are not in Baghdad" Iraq Minister of Defense; must be true, he said it on TV.
I am not the one making blanket statements. People are saying something and I am asking where they are getting that from. Calling us dickheads for believeing that only proves how weak your argument is.......... Whether Nick has wanted to be in the NFL since he was a kid proves nothing as to when he accepted the Dolphins job in the last month.
This is becoming a game of semantics. He apparently still hasn't signed the papers yet so does that mean he still hasn't become the coach of the Dolphins? Because of all his flirtations with the NFL in the past, it is obvious that he wanted to go to the NFL. His agent had been telling teams don't even call us unless you will offer control. Therefore many feel that once someone would agree to continue past that point, he would want the job. So many feel HIS MIND has been made up. It was not OFFICIAL because he wanted his family's blessing. He did not get that. DId it matter?
well, there were many many different threads and rumors and "inside sources" here recently that were very wrong. the way i see it, there is often very little correlation between how many people believe something and what is true. look you can say your opinion and your rumors all day long, it doesnt make it true. and judging people on rumors, not always a smart idea. i dont think it is particularly fair for us to judge a guy based on the thoughts we are assuming are in his head. we are not inside his head, even if you badly want to claim you are.