IMO, it's foolish to say that we had the game in the bag. I've seen a lead like that diminish in a hurry(especially against a good team like Ole Miss). That game was far from "in the bag".
And it's not like if he had gotten in trouble that LSU would have been forced to leave him in until he blew the lead and lost the game. There are relievers on this staff that would have brought in to squelch the uprising. And you can't have a pitcher "practice" to get in some work. He must be in real game situations. Handling a pitching staff is much more involved than I think some posters on here even comprehend.
Hey, expressing an opinion doesn't make you a "clown". But calling people names makes you "childish". :lol:
Hey, is this the typical Fire Smoke thread? I agree, they only bitch when we lose... I hate to think what they'll do if we lose a game this fall.
My reply: These threads after every weekend really suck. If the opinions of those who bash Smoke are so bothersome and rediculous stop paying attention to them. This thread is posted by you every damn week. Also, tell your kid to quit eyeballing me.
If your opinion is so freaking stupid Ray charles can see it should be in the circus, you are most certainly a clown. maybe he is big enough to stand up right next to you and say it. if he did would you still mention he was childish? I wouldn't. :dis: :dis:
Somebody call Skip, we have an Ex Spurt pitching coach right here in Tigerforums .com :shock: Ex SPURT or just a Spurt? Damn this place never ceases to amaze me. Who'd a thunk it? Dude, suit up, I'm sure SMOKE can use you. SABAN FAN give up man your fighting a useless battle. Win, Lose or Draw you have whiners and cry babies. They won't eat crow and admit they are wrong. they'd rather look like well ummmmm Clowns LOL Gee Wally, now Im gonna get called childish by Tn Tiger. :dis: Golly Beav, I hope he don't beat me up. :dis: Bottom LIne the team is doing well this year. Be glad. :thumb: Speak your mind but the Fire the coach threads after one lose in a highly sucessful season is kind of LAME. :dis: JMHO well maybe not so humble.
My opinion was that Smoke seemed to make some odd leaving a pitcher in too long. Your post shows a "childish" tone. By the way, your capitalization could use some help.