And people think this govt. is trying to protect the entitlements they have promised. They can't even afford the COLA increase. PATHETIC With that said they are now trying to pass something that gives each of them a $250 check costing about the same as in the damn COLA increase. Basically just trying to save face and use this stunt at a future date to claim they helped the very people they hurt. MORONS
Consumer prices on most everything or flat or down. Why would seniors need a COLA increase when cost of living is down? A bad attempt a spin dude. Leave it to the Republicans and Democrats.
I agree with LSUsupaFan. Why should they get a COLA raise if the cost of living is flat? :huh: It is Cost Of Living Allowance, after all.
And I said the dollar is in the dirt. The Fed is increasing the money supply every year. These things lead to super inflation. Not to mention get ready for interest rates to move higher. When that happens the real estate market with dive again and lots of equity will be lost.
You're projecting what will happen, which I agree with, but it has not happened. Deflation is still the primary threat believe it or not.
Ok I will concede you are seeing a burst of the bubble correction in the very short term that I believe to be over for now. But a 6 month deflation period is a blip on the radar.