If Florida does in fact get the nod, then a Florida victory over OSU would likely keep LSU no lower than #4 when it is all said and done and possibly even dropping to #5, even with a win. Here is how it could shake out. (1) Florida Wins -- meaning OSU will drop no farther than #2 and Florida #1 (2) USC v. Michigan -- if Michigan wins then then they will be #3 but if USC were to win over Michigan a stronger opponent than ND would or could USC jump LSU even with an LSU win.....probably not but with all the USC lovefest across the nation, well stanger things have happened, especially if USC were to win convincingly, and LSU struggled to win over ND, you know the "style points" BUT if everything goes as plans (which is doubtful) and all the favorites win then OSU over Florida ....Michigan over USC ..... and LSU over ND I would speculate that would go OSU, Michigan, and then it would depend on how Florida lost....if it is a nasty loss then possibly LSU at #3 and Florida at #4 but if it is respectable then probably Florida #3 and LSU #4. So it really doesnt look like LSU can move up unless FLorida gets thrashed....so I ask you do you pull for a nasty Florida loss so LSU can move up, or pull for an SEC National Champion and let LSU be satisfied at #4 and a Sugar Bowl Victory... I say pull for Florida and then let the chips fall where they may.
Who cares if we are 3 or 4. Definitely root for Florida to represent the SEC and prove something to the rest of the country.
Man you have to root for your SEC brethren. You sure as hell don't wanna hear how the SEC isn't really all that afterall from the Big 10 and other conferences, should Florida lose to Ohio State.
I hope that Florida gets the absolute SH!T pounded out of them, I hope it's the most lopsided asswhoopin ever witnessed in the sport of football. o: o: o: o: o: o: o: o: :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: