Yep, if I am a recruit I have to think where there is smoke there is fire. So I commit to LSU and get a whole 1 year of playing for him until an NFL team gives Saban what he wants. There is going to be a big credibility gap that will need to be filled even if he does stay.
Bold statement you say? What a novel idea. If he does stay (and I think he will), I think we can expect that novel, bold statement. As you alluded to, it's the only way he can salvage what future he has left at LSU.
No tude intended. I'm merely saying you are right. I beleive if Saban stays, we'll get that bold statement you are talking about.
I was thinking for once and came to the conclusion that with the so-called desires of his daughter and wife to stay here, he most definitely will not pull her out of her next high school whether its in Miami, BR, Cleveland or wherever since she will be starting 9th grade. He alluded to how hard it is to transplant your life every few years so i think if he stays we could be looking at a Bobby Bowden type thing. well, 10 years nowadays is as close as it can ever get. just a random thought i figured i could hide in this thread. thanks for your time.
Get real. Nick Saban didn't take us to raise. He's been here 5 years, built a solid program, including an NC. He doesn't owe anybody a damn thing except to be the best coach he can be while he's the coach. Some of you act like he's an indentured servant. I hope he stays but I'll be damned if I'll bad mouth him when he leaves.
Your post has nothing whatsoever to do with my quote right above it. Who for one badmouthed Saban? Did he not make this same bold statment last year? I am looking at long term here. You are right about his accomplishments, and I am forever thankful. But this nonsense of interviewing for a new position or 2 every year is ridiculous. You want the NFL, go to the NFL. I want someone who wants LSU.
I don't care what kind of bold statement he makes, or if he makes one at all... I just want him STAY!!!!!! PLEASE STAY!!!! :sob: :sob: :sob: