I no big fan of Auburn by any stretch, but let me just say a few words here. If they are to ever hold that BCS trophy, not to mention mint some rings worth more than something out of a Cracker Jack box, its high time their REAL fans step up. First off, Tubberville needs to go. Yesterday. No high level meetings or words of encouragement from the AD. And do it right, like have his university leased car towed while he's at lunch. Don't bother with putting a "For Sale" sign in his yard - have the movers arrive while his wife is shopping. The real Auburn fans know this was their year to win, and weakness like this can't be tolerated. Next, sack the AD. That sorry piece has pawning off a loser program to fans for years. REAL fans want and deserve a BCS title. All the ingrediants are there - save the leadership. Now, here's the tough part. Everyone knows that hordes of top coaches are literally dying to get into the SEC. But, even though that at any given time there may be a waiting list of 10, no, more like 15 or 20 top tier, BCS title kind of coaches, you gotta pay for them. So, long story short, you need a real chancellor who has the kind of guts to pay the money. Clean house and fire the chancellor, too. After you have done this, you will signal to all the world what you demand, and what you deserve. What coach couldn't you get then?
They need to give him one more year.......... we owe him a little sumpin-sumpin that we're going to give him in Death Valley next year. :grin:
Tubby needs to go? He is one of the better coaches in the nation. I guess Mac Brown needs to go after losing to K State last night too. :dis: Auburn lost to Georgia. Even if this is a down year for them, they are still full of studs. Goergia could have done the samething to anyone last night.
I don't know man, you might want to hang on to Tubby. He's 60-27(not including this year) at Auburn, he's taken you guys to a bowl every year except his first year, he recruits well, he's posted 9 or more wins four times, he went undefeated in 04' and easily could have won a NC that year, and is usually competing for the West title.
They went undefeated two years ago and got raped by the BCS. They WOULD have won the National Championship that year. I am no Auburn fan either, but ANY team that goes undefeated in the SEC without if ands or butts plays for they title. So Tubs isnt the problem, in order to go undefeated you need many lucky breaks and the moons to align (Like they did for us) it did for Auburn that year and they didnt even get a reach around. You can win every game in the SEC and when you do its rare.
Exactly, hillarious thread this is. GetBackToWork don't quit your day job, football isn't your thing Dude!
:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Guy must be smokin' crack, as much as I hate Tub-O-Sheet he is a pretty good coach.