Two more last night. 10 inches and 8. Glad these were a bit smaller since chickie seemed to be a bit on edge with the growth as we delved deeper and deeper into this escapade.
Great data there.......just not by giant snapping turtle standards, that is what you are trying to catch?
Not really. The ones I'm targeting don't get to "giant" size. It was already stated that there are "Common" and "Alligator" snappers. I'm thinking about starting to going after those though. Here's something "data-wise" for you. Based on weighing ONLY 3 there seems to be a pretty good correlation tween shell size and weight. They appear to weigh then number of lbs. two less than their shell size. Example, a turtle with a 10 inch shell weighs approx 8 lbs. Turtle shell is X; their weight is X-2. Now, I have no idea how this computes to girth so always keep the K Y handy.
wheres all the 150 lb loggerheads and alligator snappers. this is like the killing fields, swamp edition.
Girl that is money. Oh and I guess someone with a pussy as big as a bread box wouldn't know about KY.