While I occasionally get to a good Cajun smokehouse like Benoit's in Addis or Poche's in Breaux Bridge, mostly I just buy Savoies or Mandas in the supermarket. But last week I tried that Chef John Folse Pecan Smoked Pork Sausage and it was very, very good. The texture, the flavor, everything was right there. I'm going to try his tasso and Andoille next. You can get it online, Okie.
One of the local smokehouses here (Holmes) makes a great pecan smoked sausage as well. Always get some good sales on it too.
Dang, it is winter!!! It is time to order some Hot Chubbies from Nemecek Bros. Sorry guys, they aren't suppose to ship out of state. NoLimitMD, however, is still in luck. http://members.aol.com/nemebros/products.htm
Oh yea, I'll try that out! What do you recommend besides the Hot Chubbies? I'm curious about that Ring Bologna, even though I normally hate bologna. It's such an odd thing for a meat place to specialize in though. The West specials look good too. Why do they only ship October to April?
Only tried the Chubbies, bought some a while back. Been meaning to try their mail order. They only ship during the winter because of summer heat and they don't go overboard on packing. This is one of the places that I am considering for my tailgate contribution next year.
Nice...I'll definitely have to try 'em. I just read up on West, TX and it looks like it's made up of a lot of Czechs. That bodes VERY well for the sausage from there!
I am a sausage fiend. These are pretty good also: http://www.southsidemarket.com/ You might find some of the above in a local store. I will have to get you something from Klemke's or the TTU Meat Science Lab from up here. More German style in these parts.
Yea, I've had South Side Market! My wife drives through Elgin a couple of times a week. I think she's getting tired of me wanting her to stop at the great BBQ places on the way home. You'd probably enjoy this read from Reader's Digest. VERY interesting and funny stuff, searching for the best BBQ of Texas. It's a pretty long series. http://www.rd.com/content/openContent.do?contentId=27847
Thanks, I had not seen this article. I am always on the lookout for little shops when I drive. Find some great eats that way.