According to the pamphlet sent out to season ticket holders, the TAF was suppose to get "approximately 5,500" tickets to be distributed to TAF according the their TAF Priority Rankings. The MOST a TAF member was suppose to get was 6 tickets (for a TAF ranking between 1-100). Well, what the A.D. actually did was to distribute approximately 5,300 tickets to the TAF pursuant to the TAF Priority Rankings (some TAF member got more than 6 tickets) and then just "sell" the TAF 254 tickets so that they can distribute them in any manner they wished. Further, the A.D. doesn't even want to know how those tickets are distributed because if they find out, such knowledge would be a matter of public record and anyone could find out. And, of course, these 254 tickets are someo of the MOST prime seats in the Superdome. Now, why did they do it this way? Two years ago, they just sent a bunch of sheets to the Ticket Office telling the Ticket Office WHO to send WHAT tickets. That, of course, became a matter of public record. And, as it turned out, some of the TAF fat-cats and "officers" received upwards of 40 PRIME seats for themselves. And, this information was readily available to anyone who did a Public Records Document (PRD) Request. This year, they got around those pesky PRD rules by having the TAF come and pick up the 254 PRIME tickets. Because the "distribution" isn't through the Ticket Office (and the TAF is a "private" organization), no one can find out who got those PRIME tickets. Just more TAF shananigans. I hope none of the TAF members who got Sugar Bowl tickets are counting on taking their charitable deduction, because according the the Internal Revenue Code, they are not entitled to such a deduction because they got a quid-pro-quo which WASN'T in the HOME STADIUM of the Institution - which is a required element of the 80% charitable deduction.
Hell, he can give those guys what he wants as far as I'm concerned, they have done more for LSU then any single element has done ever, much more than the old athletic board did. The politicians getting tickets are the ones that piss me off, and I know that isn't an LSU thing but a Sugar Bowl thing.
Give "WHAT" guys as much as they want? Who are these tickets going to? Are they still taking their charitable "contribution" deduction despite their right to receive these PRIME and EXPENSIVE tickets? Why not be honest with us and tell us WHO got WHAT for WHAT DONATION? Isn't that what the TAF Priority Ranking Distribution was suppose to do? Once again, it looks like a WHO you know instead of WHAT you've done for the University.
They should give those tickets to the big contributers. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ talks BS walks. They pay Saban's salary and not to mention the other causes they donate money for our Tigers Come on Bud, We are playing in the Sugar Bowl for a national championship. Let it Go!
Six PRIME seats through the regular TAF Priority Point Rankings ISN'T ENOUGH? And, shouldn't there be a "METHOD" to the distribution, i.e., "A" gave $xxx,ooo so he get Y tickets in Z location; "B" gave $mmm,ooo so he gets N tickets in O location. Why do a certain FEW members get the lion's share of the "perks"? And, pursuant to the LAW which allows for the TAF, "members" must have a vote in the Board of Directors. BUT, in its Bylaws, the TAF designates two types of "members" - "voting members" and "nonvoting members". A "voting member" is defined as a "member" on the Board of Directors. So, the ONLY way to be a member entitled to a vote on the Board of Directors is to be ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Nice, huh???
Why not 40? That's what the President-Elect of the TAF got 2 years ago, and, ACCORDING TO SKIP, it was because he made a $100,000 donation to the Academic Center.
One more thing, Crawfish - If you gave $400,000 would you really be counting on the LSU allotment for your (or your company's) seats? Wouldn't you just buy one of those $4,000 suite seats for you and your closest 19 friends?
Probably so. Those suites are nice. Lot's of room to roam around when you get nervous. I like sitting in the "regular seats". You feel like you're a part of the game/action. Which is the greatest feeling ever if you ask me.