I don't begrudge him the opportunity, and I thank him for an outstanding five years, perhaps the best ever in LSU football history. But I'm NOT buying that a little bird told him TODAY to take the Dolphins job. I think he's known for several days. I think the deal was consummated in principle when the owner flew into BR. So why keep Tiger fans on pins and needles, on, of all days, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day??!! Gee, thanks St. Nick, for the Christmas present! Tiger faithful are collectively holding their breath, and he makes the announcement on CHRISTMAS DAY??!! :angryfire It will do LSU, its fans and community, no good to hold a grudge against Nick. So I won't. But, I can't help but feel this situation could have been handled much better. What was he doing the last few days, burning up the phone lines looking for assistant coaches, while LSU fans everywhere were sweating out whether he'd leave or not? Not cool.:angry: So, do my fellow LSU fans NOW want to discuss who the new coach will likely be, who will be the candidates, who will be on the short list, who do you want, who do you not want, etc. etc. ?
I'm happy for him but whats the point in a pc and moving it back? Everyone already knows now? I agree that this was poorly done and thank god we don't have to go through this next year I will root for the Phins because they are one of my favorite NFL teams
Good Luck & a Merry CHRISTmas to you LSU folks. Good Luck on your new coach. I agree...Saban should have given someone else an opportunity to coach the bowl game. If, LSU lets him now. Good Luck!
he has stated in the past that he regretted how he handled the msu situation, and i guess he handled this situation any better ? wrong. its not about the money. thanks for the memories but, you wouldn't coach the team if i had a say so. jmho.
Saban coaches this game. LSU knew his decision when he got on that plane. If LSU didn't want him to coach, the announcement would have been made in MIA. Bertman and LSU are letting Nick have his farewell game in thanks for the memories and the NC last year. That's all.
You guys are f***ing unbelieveable. Do you have any idea how tough this was on Saban? He didn't want to go. Miami simply made an offer he couldn't refuse. So, it was made on Christmas. Do you think that had anything to do with anything? Don't react over a week's worth of rumors. Jeez, I can't believe some people. Of course, most of you have only been here for a week and will be gone in another week so no big deal I guess.
Geez how fast you guys turn. I don't believe he really knew his decision until late yesterday. I have to feel like he had a lot to think over and wanted to be absolutly sure before he made his final choice. He would have announced it sooner than he did if he had known that was what he was going to do. I have no ill will for the way it was handled. In fact, it says a lot that he put so much thought into this and he was torn between here and one of the best jobs in the NFL.
How do you "have any idea how tough this was on Saban", are you sleeping with him? How do you know it wasn't the easiest decision he has ever made? I think most people understand his leaving for what looks like a job you just can't let get away, the problem is what he has been telling Tiger fans for the last 3 years. He has put us in great shape for the future and I thank him for that but I wouldn't believe a word he says.