academy has pretty good prices. funny about the background check, i went friday to pick up a rifle id ordered and got it immediately. i usually have a 3 day delay as well. but supposedly if youve ever applied for a twic card that may cause it bc of some idiot in florida and the dumb legislators made some kind of connection with this one crazy person. but i dont think you ever had a need for one. i had one having to go into different plants for my old company so i thought that was it.
450 here free shipping. i order from them a good bit.
yes pick your local gun shop with an ffl. they will charge from 15-25 bucks after it gets there, and its a wrap. usually gets there in a day or two.
K. thanks. When I searched kyguns on my phone I found the site but not the G43. Found many other glocks but not that one.
@tirk Well today I went talk to the friend with the FFL and he told me what to do. I come home, register with KYGunCo and do find that very link with the G43 but cannot find the "Add to cart" button. I've looked and looked and cannot figure how in the hell to buy it.