I stole this idea from the Arkansas board because I thought it was hilarious and I'm tired of reading BCS threads. The idea is if you could pick any two sports figures to be in a fight, who would it be? My choice is Trev Alberts vs. Shaquille O'Neal. Let's see what Trev would have to say about LSU then
Tonya Harding versus Shawn Kemp... She's a slut, he's got 14 illegitimate kids...Perhaps they'd stop fighting, and-in the famous words of Jack Black in Orange County-"start the Revolution"... Hey, what can I say?
I would like to see the big tree guys on Lord of the Rings play OU in a football game, I think the walking logs can hang.
a tag team match putting the NFLs most well known kickers in an exciting brawl: Bill and Martin Gramatica Vs. Sebastian Janiskowski and Mike Vanderjagt. (Damon Duval runs out from backstage to help the Gramaticas as they are getting pummeled, but a Tiger Band piccolo player runs out from the other side, knocks out Duval and gives the three count as Janiskowski pins Bill down, chugs a beer, and crushes it on his face..Vanderjagt is talking to reporters, accusing his teamates of not giving enough effort.....meanwhile Martin G, mistakenly thinking he has won, is jumping up and down like an idiot until he twists his knee and falls to the ground....Wade Richey, still in a deep depression because of his failures in college, comes out of the crowd to finish Martin off with a swift kick to the head. Chad Kessler treats them all to a round of beers at his favorite bar which is 50.3 yards away. Throughout the entire match there are some ex Florida State kickers who are not happy because they were sitting too far to the right while at the same time their buddy got lost and ended up too wide to the left.) But regardless of anything else I have said here ....Corbello will always be the heavyweight champion in my heart! i have incuded this utterly gay website for your amusement.. www.kick7.com
Art Cantrelle vs. Kirk Herbstreit. (For you youngsters, Art Cantrelle was the toughest summitch to EVER play football at LSU and was involved in not a few off-campus fights.)