I saw her video, she sucks alright :shock: :shock: :thumb: And if Paris is reading, here is a little tip: Put your phone on vibrate next time :lol: :lol: :lol:
And what a whiner you are. You need to lighten up, man. You're looking more and more like the south end of a north-bound horse with each successive post.
you are unbelievable. Jacques Chirac is a piece of crap regardless the overall opinion of us by the frenchies and France should be boycotted. Anyone who contributes to the overall threat of US security and welfare of our nation whether servicemen overseas or here at home is a threat. He should be ousted before ever dealing with france again on any legitimate level. I could care less if half their population loves or hates us. If you truly believe most frenchies love us, you are totally misguided regardless of your trips there and what you believe. 1/3 of french citizens hoped saddam would win its war againt the US hoping for massive casualties on our side.
What is this thread about? I know it is about how bad Paris Sucks, but which Paris are we talking about. FYI-give me a scuba mask and a snorkle because I am going down, I like them skanky :shock: :shock:
yeah, circa 1960. have you been hiding under a rock? the general french population can't stand us. they despise our culture and couldn't care less about our endeavors in iraq or afghanistan. even before our war on terror, the french could care less about americans and their noveau culture. dude, wake up.