I still believe it will be a defensive game but if Glennon plays against us the way he did today, then I'm thinking 23-7 LSU.
Have you forgotten all the bad things we were saying about our own program when they played their first home game following a tradgic event?
From a game perspective, I thought the memorial at the beginning of the game wasn't a good thing. I'm not saying the memorial service itself wasn't a good thing, just the fact that they had one- I understand it had to be done and all but just a point in case- imagine having a memorial service as compared to a pep rally, apep talk, etc. It was a disadvantage to VT but not a reason for them to lose.
It looked like the problems with VT went far deeper than the distraction from pregame memorials/ceremonies. They appear to have some serious weaknesses, and I feel like we'll be far more capable than East Carolina to exploit them.
I agree, that's why I said it wasn't a reason for them to lose and we're going to really expose them next week. Their offense is in big trouble.
But don't for a second think we will walk away with a victory here. This is a team ready to explode. I hope their explosion comes later in the season.