I hope that AU will make the right decision and postpone the game. It is my opinion that the game should have already been postponed. I think it would be heartless and very classless to consider going forward with the game on saturday. If you are an AU fan you should be very unhappy with the way your universtiy has had total disregard for your community. Your players and staff should be concerned with family at this time not worrying about playing a game thats right a GAME this weekend and possibly having to play nine games in a row which by his own admission is all tubby is concerned with. I am as big of a tiger fan as anyone else but given the present situation football is definately secondary. I would hope that LSU would have already done the right thing by now if this was their call to make. The people of Alabama, Mississippi and any others who may be affected by Ivan have my thoughts and prayers with them. God bless
Oh please ... I know we dislike Auburn and Tubberville these days, but they have not, and will not, do anything to jeapordize the lives of anyone. Auburn is much further inland than Baton Rouge ... do we ever evacuate Baton Rouge during a hurricane? NOPE! They'll make the right decision at the right time...
Yeah, they are far enough inland. Far enough inland that evacuees can get hotels there...Oh that's right Aubarn still has a game scheduled and ALL freakin hotels are booked for footbal... and the hotels won't release the rooms for evacuees. Sounds like the WRONG decision to me! :angry:
Ivan is more powerful than Andrew and Baton Rouge was without power for over a week. The eye might not go over Auburn but the problem is downed trees, traffic trying to get back home, lack of ice and water. Auburn needs to get its priorities straight. If this was LSU, I would be highly disappointed in the university. LSUDAN
I guarantee you that if Baton Rouge were in the DIRECT path of the eye of Ivan, that they would be telling us to leave Baton Rouge
Hotel rooms in New Orleans are booked for the Saints game ... they haven't cancelled. Maybe we should be concerned about our own backyard instead of taking shots at everyone else...
How quickly we forget. Lili in 2002 was a powerful storm at 145 mph less than 250 miles off our coast. No evacuation orders in Baton Rouge. Thankfully, this storm weakened before hitting us...
Let them make a call on Friday, I say. If conditions are bad here, there or in-between, then postpone the game. But sometimes these storms cause less damage than anticipated. If that is the case and the weather is good and fans can get to the stadium, them play ball.
Most people that were leaving left yesterday. They should have been able to get rooms. Pretty much everything up there is full right now, mostly from evacuees. Thing is, the hotels CANNOT kick out anyone if they are paying the bill. In Alabama, once you have a room and keep paying for it, its yours. So chances are, evacuees have rooms, and everyone that made reservation for the game wont.
This thing has hooked NNE ... there might not be an Auburn http://hurricane.terrapin.com/ATL-09A/track.html Have a look ... Pensacola to Mobile Bay ... The border swamps ... look out Ono Island Tubberville's "trailer" might not make 75 mph winds :dis: