if it did, the religious community would be the last collection of finger-pointers to be given the time of day. I guess it just depends on how gullible you are...
martin: -Religion and science should not contradict one another as long as both are true. The truth cannot be contradictory. -If they do conflict then one is wrong and one is right. -I've tried to make this point several times and I'm sure the peanut gallery is getting tired of the repetition and so am I: It doesn't matter who says something. The question is only is the statement true or not true. The devil himself could make a statement and the statement could be true, if it is in fact correct. For example, either it is possible for life to start from non-living material or it is not. Period. I happen to think not but according to Red there is a whole branch of science dedicated to the idea and trying to prove it happens. My impression is that they have been unable to prove it so far. So far there is lots of speculation but no proof.
obviously. clearly. let me give you a hint. the side that is basing a position on faith is the wrong one.
Same stupid notion. There is always dissent in science, it's important to explore alternatives. And scientific findings are continually tested. But the existence of dissent never simply invalidates acceptance in science, especially when there is an overwhelming consensus, such as in evolution, even though you have now attempted to steer the topic to Genesis. This vague philosophy conveniently enables you to believe nothing.
it should also should be noted that unlike global warming, the issue of evolution has no real dissent, and no real political agenda.
That's bullchit. Don't use my quote to mislead. It works the same in both instances. Climate Change has a huge scientific consensus and the dissent is 90% political and 10% scientific. Don't derail this disembowelment of flabengal by bringing up tired old subjects already argued to death.
even if i acknowledge the consensus regarding warming, it still doesnt compare to evolution, where the term would be way too weak. evolution is a universally accepted reality, with literally no dissent whatsoever except by religious lunatics. the issues are not comparable. you dont even think that. they are totally different. to use the word "consensus" with regard to evolution would be silly and would imply there is something less than 100% agreement, which there is, obviously.
I would have to disagree with that. This philosophy enables one to determine that when there are differing opinions on a topic that one must be true and the others not true. Or at least one is closer to the truth and the others further from it. martin: Well, I can see why you believe that but I have to disagree with you. I think evolution has a heavily "political" agenda behind it. Namely that of those who are atheist. If evolution were theoretically speaking disproved then the only idea left in the marketplace is creation by a Supreme Being. It is one or the other, there are no other alternatives. Red55: They are the same, thank you for making that point. You obviously believe that Climate Change and Evolution are more or less proven by scientific methods. I believe both Climate Change and Evolution have been "baked in" to the system because those in power have an agenda that is Anti-Christian and "Anti-Current World Order", namely that of the nation-state. Those pushing the agenda of Climate Change do so (in my opinion) to push New World Order governance based on a World Governing body of some sort. Ha..ha....funny word, disembowelment.:shock: I will try and use it in a sentence today. On second thought....disembowelment? Is that some sort of a threat, Red? I'm gonna tell OkieTigerKATT.....:wink: Well, that's about all I've got. Think I've made my point the best I can for now. If I come up with something new Tigerforums will be the first to know but I think we are running over the same territory again and again. Was interesting though. And OkieTigerKATT_ if I see you in person.....just kidding, I kid, I kid...:grin:
the difference is that i am not favoring crazy big government regulations related to evolution. i am not using it to justify anything. i dont care if you agree or not, there is no policy in the balance. you can be an idiot and not believe scientific fact all you want, it dont make me none. global warming is used by policymakers to gain power and get votes from guilty idiots. evolution is not. evolution is not political. it is just fact. like the number of electrons in a carbon atom, or any other random scientific fact, you can just believe it or not. they are doing it to assuage their guilt, and to tell themselves they are good people, and to feel like people matter to the earth. the new world order stuff is nonsense. if that does happen, it would be a consequence of dumb policy, but not really the goal.