We were lucky to get that one into overtime. If Tennessee's receivers could catch at all, we lose it by at least 14 in regulation. We have dusted off the Lou Tepper defensive playbook.
Yea! We deserved to win at ASU, but tonight was a disgrace. I think it shows J.R. has a lot to learn & I don't think Pelini can learn anything. As a friend once said, "you don't have to be smart to be a coach." Look how they keep recycling coaches. How did we get these guys?
I agree, you can have all the talent in the world but if you aint got the coaches you aint got it. How many passes did Tennessee drop? How many td's did Tennessee drop. It is 1 loss but my problem is Tennessee wins by 3 tds if they didn't drop those passes. 24 point lead gone. As bad as Tennessee was the first half I give them credit for playing well the second half, they deserved it. Where did our offense geaux? I thought our problems were going to be on defense, I'm confused about this team because they have no identity except being inconsistant. Its going to be an interesting year, I see Florida coming and they won't drop all those passes.
I see Fla. having a great chance of beating us & Ala. & Auburn won't be push-overs. Heck, I think Vandy could give us a good game. What a BIG disappointment.