Am I the only one who feels that way? Damn if it doesn't feel like yesterday that we won the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! I still have to pinch myself sometimes when I think about. LSU 2003 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS. Normally I forget about football during the offseason but I've read and talked about LSU so much since then it somehow made the time fly by. I do believe that Saban said that this was the year he anticipated challenging for a NC, not last year. IMO, Randall will take a bit of time to get his nerves under control. He'll make mistakes. It won't matter. Our D and RBs will be more than enough to make up for it. Let's hope he works out the kinks for those games at Georgia and Florida because we'll need the whole package by then. FOOTBALL TIME!!!!!!!!!
DUDE, I think you are the only one feeling this way. Most of us have been dying for this time of the year!