Watching ESPN's Number 1, Greatest College Football Traditions. Who'da guessed: Notre' Dame's gold helmuts Ohio State's dotting the "I" Service Academies singing the Alma Matter Little Brown Brown Jug Bayou Classic Battle of the Bands BUT!!! The Grove? Toomey's Corner? UGA the mascot? Da U running through smoke? Number 2!! No Mike, no band coming down the hill, no greatest tailgate in the world.. Can you say BIAS? Chuck :tigerhead
I really hope you're kidding. The ONLY one of the last four I even know of (and even then, I don't think that's what they are talking about when they say "tradition") is UGA. Personally, I'm a bit surprised our uniforms weren't on there, but whatever, I don't really care that much. It's just ESPN. :lol:
Is there a link? We really don't have a well known tradition. I think A&M's 12th man should be there.
I had seen the other one but here's SI's from '04. Hard to think there could be that much difference and this one looks much better to me:
Crap, I cant find a link and didnt save the tivo, but seriously, these are the ones off hand that I remember, and YES, UGA the dog from Georgia was number 2. Except for the first 2, these arent in order and come from memory.. 1. Ohio State I 2. UGA Somewhere else in the mix.. Armed Services Army/Navy/AF singing the Alma Matters 12th Man Grove Toomeys Corner USC's Trojan Horse Boomer Schooner (chuckwagon thing) Michigans Victory fight song. Rose Bowl Parade Little Brown Jug Lunch Pail from Va Tech? or UVA? Grambling/Southern Battle of the Bands Miami Coming out of the tunnel in the smoke (whooooo... scares me!) Colorado Buffalo (Ralphie or something like that?) Havard/Yale and MIT messing up the games with stunts Minnesota vs. Michigan ? Border Wars (they run the football into the game?) Bronze Boot from someone/where Clemson rubs a rock when they come into the stadium Notre Dame's gold helmuts:rofl: Tennessee Volunteer Navy (where everyone parks boats outside of Neyland) Chuck :tigerhead
Thanks, Unfortuneately, its DirecTivo, so we dont get the fancy "real" tivo functions. :cuss: Chuck :tigerhead
The LSU traditions that get the most ink are: 1. Tiger Stadium at Night -- we make every "best place to watch a college football game" list. 2. The Tiger Band pregame fanfare -- It ain't every band that can get the crowd screaming so quickly. Trouble is, pregame stuff never makes it to TV like the Ohio State band dotting the 'i". But writers who have never been in Tiger Stadium before rarely fail to mention it. 3. Putting Mike the Tiger's cage just outside the visitor's locker room -- The opponents all have to pass Mike on the way to the field. Sometimes he gets a little rowdy. Opposing players mention it all of the time in interviews.