SEC tournament

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by lsufaninmiss, May 1, 2007.

  1. lsufaninmiss

    lsufaninmiss GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is there any way that :tigbas: makes it to the SEC BaseballTournament?

    My son lives in Hoover now, so if there is any way that :tigbas: is gonna be there, I wanna be there too.

    :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige :geauxtige
  2. swoop

    swoop Founding Member

    I think we are in 8th place right now and 8 teams make the tourney right? So, Yes.
  3. lsubatgirl04

    lsubatgirl04 Cupcake Thief

    I think so. It's a great ballpark and lots of fun. I will be out of town or I'd be there too!

    :tigbas: :geauxtige :tigbas:
  4. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    I wouldn't run out and buy any tickets just yet as it looks pretty slim for the Tigers. Sitting in 8th place today, but we have to travel to #3 Arky this weekend and finish the regular season against #1 Vandy.
  5. lsufaninmiss

    lsufaninmiss GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is what I was thinking, but is there a chance, even if it is a slim one?
  6. JayB

    JayB Never Forget 31

    Well if we had won this weekend series, I'd feel a lot better. But never say never. We can still make a regional. I doubt if we'd host though.
  7. StarsofOrion

    StarsofOrion Founding Member

    Hoover, AL, right?

    I live here; lived here all my life.

    They actually changed the name of the Hoover Met to "Regions Park".

    Yeah, I aint kidding. Regions Bank bought the naming rights to it. It ain't right!
  8. lsufaninmiss

    lsufaninmiss GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, I am talking about Hoover, Al, my son just moved there.

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