Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by lsutygr06, May 16, 2004.

  1. lsutygr06

    lsutygr06 Founding Member

    Jun 9, 2002
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    The softball team was recently in the SEC tournament this past weekend, and made it to the championship game once again... the tigers came out of the game wth the win of 4-1!!! THE TIGERS ARE NOWWW CURRENTLY YOUR SEC CHAMPIONS OF SOFTBALL! GOOD JOB LADIES!

    we are all so very proud of the whole LSU team. They have went through a bunch of situations this season, and have gotten through them with their heads held high. They are all very special girls and can do pretty much what ever they choose to do, because they are all joined as a team, work as a team, and they truly are the fighting tigers. GO TIGERS! GOOD LUCK AT REGIONALS THIS WEEK! WE ALL ARE EXTREMMMLYYY PROUD OF YOU ALL! THANKS TO THE COACHS AND PLAYERS FOR ALL THEIR HARD WORK AND EFFORTS, YOU ALL ARE MAKING THE SOFTBALL PROGRAM BECOME A VERY IMPORTANT PEICE IN BATON ROUGE, AND LSU'S HISTORY! :geaux: :geaux: :lsug:

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